Two mums, two boys & a day in Happy Valley
I love longer photo sessions for many reasons. Because it gives everyone time to connect and relax. The kids realise they don’t have to perform and can be themselves. Once everyone forgets the camera, honest personalities shine through. Kids might melt down parents might lose it, but this is life and it’s messy and beautiful.
When this family invited me to document a day in their life, I was thrilled. (Also a bit nervous because Laura is a great photographer herself). We would have plenty of time, no need to rush, and the family could enjoy this free Friday after Chinese New Year. And I got to be there to tell their story.
There were no specific plans for the day. Our rough plan was to hang out at home and later take a walk through their Happy Valley neighbourhood.
The sports ground to ride scooters, the temple down the road they used to visit when the boys were younger. One of the lunch favourites. Tram rides, iced tea and a coconut bun in the local shop around the corner. Places that might seem banal right now, but will become treasured memories later in life. Routines that don’t stand out in the here and now, but will shape their life in some way. Normal things no one will remember next week, but once captured in photos will be stored as a permanent reminder of the life they lived.
Apart from them being such an easy going family I loved documenting a family with same sex parents. Families come in all shapes Obviously. There shouldn’t even be the need to point this out. But being in the industry and seeing that same sex parents seem to be quite a small part of the family documentary area. The variety is missing. And it shouldn’t be. So whatever your family looks like – as long as you are a team and love each other (at least most of the time) – let me capture your own uniqueness in pictures!
Here are my favourites of the day. And make sure to check out the slideshow video at the end!