boy reading

Summer of 2019

Like every year for school summer break we were headed for Germany. Lucky for us, my parents have room for us and pretend not to be annoyed with our presence too much. No seriously, we get very spoiled for weeks and it’s the best. On top of that the kids lucked out with their school…

girl looking through palm leaves


Bali feels like a .. mmh.. fourth home to us. One of our favourite families moved there a while back ago, so from then on we kept the yearly trips going. This year was different as Bonnie and I got to catch up there. Oh and the kids. And Nick joined us for a few…

urban family shoot Hong Kong Central

Wandering Hong Kong

Living overseas, away from parents and extended family means we don’t see them very often. We can’t be there for every birthday, holiday or family event. But when they visit, we get lots of real quality time together. After almost a decade of living here even our family feels partly at home in Hong Kong….